Thursday 19 May 2016

Technology Challenge - Making a raft

Taking the design of a Mokihi as inspiration, the children all designed their own raft. It had to be the size of an A4 piece of paper and needed to be strong enough to support 20 plastic maths teddies while floating in the sand tray. On Friday afternoon, after running the Cross Country in the morning, the room was a hive of activity with everyone creating their rafts from a wide variety of materials.
We had a lot of fun testing our designs this week. Most of the rafts floated. For those that didn't, all of the children were able to suggest modifications to make them more successful.


  1. I love all the photos! All the rafts are excellent, and I bet the teddies had fun going for rides in them.

  2. That look fun. Matthew

  3. Amazing job I don't think I could do better than you with your rafts.Bonnie

  4. Those rafts look amazing. I would love to be a teddy and have a ride on all of them:)

  5. How did you do that!?! I probably could never do as well as you making those rafts. It must have taken ages.

  6. Love it! Well done Kereru 😊 from Ruth (Ethan's Mum)

  7. Great to see thanks for sharing all those pictures. I can see how much work for all concerned went into that.

  8. It was fun making the raft!!!😎😀😃 From Tessa.

  9. wow the rafts look great hope the teddies enjoyed their rides in them because i would have if i was one of those very lucky teddies hope the teddies stayed nice and dry you guys

  10. You guys made AMAZING rafts . Felicity.M😍

  11. What fun you have had. Good job in making rafts. You will have to teach Toetoe how to do it.

  12. You're very clever at making rafts! You're like mini engineers!!! Olivia C🔨😄
