Thursday 14 April 2016

Interesting Ideas for the Holidays that don't cost any money.

In our Tuesday morning thinking time, Kereru and Ti Kouka children suggested amazing ideas they could do in the holidays - for free.
Here are their suggestions.
Going to a playground
Jumping on a trampoline
Having a sleep over
Reading a book
Spending time with friends
Going fishing
Playing board games
Writing stories
Listening to music
Going on a treasure hunt
Picking flowers / gardening
Meeting friends
Going on a nature walk
Making a pile of leaves and jumping in them is fantastic for this time of year.
Abigail suggested having a garage sale. She said it doesn't cost money - you get money!
Cruze suggested collecting and throwing sticks and that reminded me about the lovely story in the Winnie the Pooh collection about playing Pooh sticks - dropping sticks in the river on one side of a bridge and rushing over to the other side to see who's stick emerges first.
If you have any other ideas - please add them in the comments section.
Hope all the parents find this helpful!
Emily and Susan


  1. going on the computer ... Hannah penman waka puhara.

  2. You can go to the museum from Felicity Mander 😊

  3. You can go to the beach to play in the water or to find shells from Felicity Mander 😊 and I'll see if I can think of any more things

  4. You can make card's for people from Felicity Mander ❤️

  5. You can spend time with your friends and family from Felicity Mander ❤️
